Ingénieur du Temps

Order Your Ingénieur du Temps 3D Pendulum Clock

Your Ingénieur du Temps 3D Pendulum Clock is made to order.
The delivery time is 6 to 8 weeks. This allows time for production and testing of the clock.
The purchase price is CHF 2'800,- plus shipping and handling. The optional Transpaent Case costs CHF 350.-
Payment through PayPal with all major credit cards.
You can also order on-site installation if you desire, which is invoiced at cost.
    To place your order:
  1. Choose the colors for the wheels, hands and plates of your clock.
  2. Fill out the order form completely and send it to us by clicking the Send button.
  3. We will confirm your order, the shipping and installation costs if ordered and the delivery date.
  4. The production of your clock will start when 50% of the purchase price has arrived on our account.
  5. We will inform you when your clock is finished and it is time to pay the remaining 50%.
  6. When we have received the remaining purchase price we will ship the clock.

Your email Address

Choose Your Colors

Billing and Delivery

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Delivery Address

Ingénieur du Temps

©2017 Ingénieur du Temps